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护理人员 Finds Joy Helping His 社区

posted on Wednesday, November 2, 2022 in  毕业生档案

Onazi “Oz” Agbese was working as a strength and conditioning coach when his sister encouraged him to join the 滑铁卢消防局. A graduate of 靠谱买球app推荐, she told him it would be a good fit for him. 她是对的.

“It’s such a big deal for me to be able to go out there and help my own community, 帮助我的同胞,阿格贝斯说. “That’s honestly my favorite part of the job.”

Agbese joined the department in 2018, and soon after enrolled in the 紧急医疗服务 靠谱买球app推荐的项目. Working and going to school full-time seemed daunting at first, but he found the program was flexible and the instructors supportive enough for him to make it work.

In the end, Agbese believes doing both at the same time made him better at his job.

“It takes a level of focus that really translates well into this job,他说. “当你在现场时, 当你在打电话的时候, there’s tons of outside noise and you need that ability to focus in and do the task at hand.”

他在靠谱买球app推荐的时候, Agbese was impressed by the depth of knowledge his instructors brought to class, a combination of textbook learning and real-world experience.

“They had personal anecdotes and stories that were able to make the information more relevant,他说. “医学教科书非常枯燥, and it’s hard to understand until someone tells you, ‘This is what it looks like in real life, this is how I’ve experienced dealing with that issue’.”

Agbese graduated from Hawkeye in 2021, and remains employed with the 滑铁卢消防局, now proudly serving his hometown as a paramedic.

“Every time you go out on a call, you get to help make someone’s day a little bit better,他说. “They don’t call 911 because they’re having the best day of their life. They’re calling because they’re having an issue. You can help your own people solve an issue that life threw at them.”


  1. 校友
  2. 紧急医疗服务
  3. 护理人员
  4. 滑铁卢消防局